Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nightmare Zoo

In Surabaya Indonesia, there is a nightmare of a zoo.  It is so crowded and overpopulated.  The 180 pelicans can't spread their wings without hitting a neighbor, the tigers are emancipated, and even last week a giraffe died with a beachball-sized wad of plastic food wrappers in its stomach.  Its not just the animals, there have been suspicions that some of the employees have been part of an illegal animal trafficking scandel. Even some rare species, such as, kamodo dragons or rare orangutans sit in dark unsanitary cages, filled with peanuts thrown at them by the visitors. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Golfer may lose leg...from putter

It seems that a 48 year-old golfer may be losing his leg.  What makes this story interesting is that he may be losing his leg after being stabbed in the leg...with a putter.  Well the whole story is that him and a friend were on the golf course, they got into a fight and the friend started swinging his putter, Clay Carpenter, the victim, put out his hand to possibly stop the club, this broke his thumb, next thing he knew he was stabbed in the leg with the putter.  His friends started telling him that he had been stabbed.  He looked down to see the putter coming out of his leg, and his shoes filled with blood.  He then passed out.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Homemade Cannon

A man in San Diego has killed his girlfriend, how?, with his homemade cannon.  It seems the man, 39 year-old Richard Fox, killed his 38 year-old girlfriend.  He shot it at his mobile home after filling the cannon with firework powder, when it was shot he found his girlfriend dead from shrapnel wounds.  It wasn't only his girlfriend, however, there were three other adults and a 4 year-old girl that escaped with injuries.  Fox has also injured his right leg along with the dead and other wounds.  Upon further investigation, Fox was drunk at the time of the accident.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Badass Girl Scout

In Sugar Land, Texas, a girl scout has been slightly injured after chasing down a couple of men that took her cash box for her girl scout cookies.  It seems the two pulled up in a Toyota, got out and started to talk to the girl scouts about the cookies, then took the cash box, jumped in the car and booked it.  One of the girl scouts, Iravia Cotton, had told police that she was hitting the man in the passenger seat saying that she believed that he should have learned his lesson.

Troy Ohio

In Troy, Ohio there have been two men arrested for being accused of prostituting their adopted son.  It seems that one has also been charged for raping three boys in his care.  The boy shook when asked about being prostituted to two men.  It seemed that he was afraid of being taken away from his new home, to be taken away from his new siblings.  The children have been taken away from the home, and the men have also tried to adopt a fourth child, one that had been living with them for a while.


It seems that an 18 year old girl is in a relationship with her teacher, a 41 year-old James Hooker.  How does the mom respond?  Does she ground her daughter?  Does she punish her daughter in any way?  No, she has started the Facebook Campain "James Hooker to Jail Page".  It seems that Hooker had quit his teaching job, left his house, and his wife with their kids to go live with the 18 year-old, Jordan Powers.  Mr. Hooker claims that their physical relationship didn't start until after she became 18, but Jordan's mother claims that she has evidence that the relationship started long before.